People ask me why i wear niqab.
I tell them i wear niqab because i am muslim and i can.
People ask me why i wear hijab.
I tell them because i am muslim and ALLAH commands me to.
see how simple and clear that is?
no need for complication...just a straight answer!
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
So nice to visit your blog and see you posting!! I pray all is well at your end.
Wonderful post.
And yet... so many people complicate the whole thing!
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Lots of Love
Just wonder, what is niqab? If you don't mind... Thanks a lot.
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu my dear sisters :)
Farhana: aint that right! lols...its actually really easy...subhnallah!
hana: of course i dont mind! please ask me anything! thats what im here for... a niqab is a black piece of cloth that a muslim woman wears over her hijab/shaila to cover all of her face except for the eyes...it ties in the back,and sometimes has as many as 3 layers of cloth that she will flip over to hang in the back of her head in beautiful flowy layers...
Eid Mubarak to u and family...
Assalamualaikum dear sister,
Instead of accepting the simplicity, why do people choose to complicate things?
salaam....i am a sister from south africa.....please can you email me on sumayyaessack@gmail.com....would like to keep in touch...shukran...
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