While our children are out collecting Eidiyah and singing and playing this morning, the first day of Eid al Fitr, there are 9 Iraqi children laying dead in the dirt in Iraq.(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21233421/)
While our children eat their breakfast and we dress them in the new cloths we have bought for them for Eid and shower our prayers on them, there are some Iraqi mothers clutching onto their children's cold dead bodies, crying and screaming hysterically.
While we softly kiss our children good morning to wake them from sleep and quietly pick them up to wash their faces, there are parents in Iraq who have been awake since the bomb went off this morning and blew up their babies sleeping in bed...
This is Iraq....This is reality today for its people...
The Coalition Forces say via Associated Press: "The statement also issued regret “that civilians are hurt or killed while Coalition forces search to rid Iraq of terrorism.” "
What a word they use for the death of Innocent Children!
When will this madness stop...
While I sit here in my safe home(al hamdulelah) and eat my hot meals
(al hamdulelah) and watch my satellite TV under central ac and quiet peacefulness(al hamdulelah), children in Iraq are being blown up in their beds, the future of Iraq is dying,
little by little...
These babies who are innocent of the world and its evils,who's smiles are so pure and joyful, who's laughter echos through the rubble that is Iraq.
Today 9 children who took 9 months to grow inside their mothers wombs,who were born to mothers and fathers anxiously awaiting their arrival, weeping overwhelming joy when they heard their first cry,fathers who cradled them gently in their arms,and softly whispered the Athan into their ear...
These precious souls are dead, they never had a chance to say any goodbyes or feel their mothers warmth once more.
They were violently killed as "casualties of war"
A war they didn't ask for...
May Allah raise these children to the highest Paradise, May Allah ease the suffering of their families, May Allah be the Best Comforter for their mothers and fathers in their grief, May Allah let these children be a mercy for their parents on the day of judgement, May Allah protect the Innocent children of Iraq.ameen...
May Allah's judgement be upon those in the world who kill and oppress innocent people and make mischeif in the land. ameen...
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
Ameen. Ameen.
This is so sad...
But the children are in a better place,
The patient parents will be greatly rewarded, insha'Allah,
This life is temporary...
Everyday I end up reading something that hangs like a big black cloud over my head. It seems like the whole world has stop caring.
But what else can I do but make dua' for them.. and all those suffering. (?)
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Sis Farhana :)
I know how you feel when you say:
"Everyday I end up reading something that hangs like a big black cloud over my head. It seems like the whole world has stop caring."
You know just yesterday i was talking with my husband about this issue...I dont know how to feel to be honest. I dont know whether to cry really hard at the state of the world today or be really angry with the way things are now...The more time that passes the more the world gets worse...I know this is a sign of "the day"...And it scares me....I get overwhelmed at the cruelty and ignorance in the world to the point where i dont want to hear anymore stories or news about this life...
The most important thing we can do is make Dua, this is the most powerful form of help, as it comes from "Al-Qadeer"...Other than this I only know to give charity when its due and when i can, if i see any kind of injustice to anyone or anything i try my best to defend the right way, and to teach others about Islam and follow Islam to the best of my ability as an example to others...I try my best for these things and I am always thinking of ways to help more to the best of my ability..
Inshallah Allah will reward us for our determinations to teach,inspire, and help the world with dawah and charity and knowledge.Ameen...
Barak Allahu Feeki for your sincere reply...I love talking about these things!
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Sultana,
Ameen to you beautiful dua'.
I think you're my twin! :D
Everything you said..that's totally me! exactly how I feel. I get comfort in reminding myself that this world is temporary, and maybe those who are suffering now, will be in gardens forever one day, insha'Allah.
As you, I try and do what I can.. but alhumduliLlah, our strongest 'weapon' is also the easiest.. the power of dua' :)
May Allah Most High shower His blessings upon you. Ameen.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Sis :)
On us all inshallah ameen...
Mashallah, twins! hee hee.....Al Hamdulilah there are other muslims around the world who think like me and who think like you!
Al hamdulilah this life is temporary...
Can u imagine to be stuck in this life, in this horrible ignorance and cruelty forever, always fighting with this life to be a better muslim and seeking Allahs reward??
SubhnAllah, this is how death becomes a "mercy from Allah" I think!
Only Allah knows our struggle within ourselves we go through everyday to be better and to push ourselves to the good and run from the bad, Only Allah knows how sincerely we pray and make emotional dua for strength in Iman and Taqwa in this life for ourselves,loved ones and the whole rest of the world. In the end Only Allah knows...SubhnAllah...See how people like me and you and others like us are different to everyone else in this big world and see how we stick out like white on black, see how we are "strange"....
Like I wrote in my last post:
"How can a believer who is pure inwardly and outwardly in his speech, his actions, his food, his drink, who emigrates to Allâh in all moments in his life, while imitating and following (without inventing and innovating) not be a stranger amongst these people."
We are constantley tested in our faith with big known issues and small unseen ones...Its overwhelming...
May Allah guide us all to the straight path, put light in our hearts and give us strong light on the day of judgement, May Allah strenghten our Iman and fortify us with Taqwa, May Allah give us mercy on our day for trying sincerely with the purest intentions to be better muslims in this life to gain "HIS" pleasure and mercy. Ameen!
and....thanks to you Sister for letting me feel comfort in knowing there are beautiful pious people in the world suffering heartache like me in silence, yet we survivie and strive in Allahs cause...
your sister in islam,
Sultana :)
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